
Volume 14, Number 80, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2011

The Wedding Day
by Lorna Wilson

The wedding day is just one day, and yet you will revisit it time and time again, in your memories. What magic, what mystery will unfold, as the life that you share begins. And all this will come to pass in just one day.

Such a day was April 29, a date that is now part of history. Atime for British pride, the day that young William wed his bride.

Rich and poor gather today to hear the vows that mark a new beginning. The city moved to a cheerful beat, and children danced in the street, on the day that Will and Kate wed. Many a tear will be shed, and memories will be made, as two young people leave the church, their lives forever transformed. Horses will thunder by, and old ladies will sigh, on this, the wedding day.

An ancient abbey waits to write another chapter in history. Today, there are trees growing in pots along the aisles! And flowers abound, in the venerable arches, on the wedding day! Still, no longer, the old church is vibrant. People are gathered here for a joyous occasion. The trumpets sounded, and the Queen arrived, all decked in golden splendour.

But on this occasion, even the Queen was waiting, impatient for the next guest to arrive. All eyes were turned to the door and soon they were rewarded with the sight of a lovely young woman, grasping the hands of cherubic children, dressed in exquisite finery. With an elegant smile, she grasped their hands and guided them graciously, to their place in history. This she accomplished with hardly a sign of nerves, or were the children guiding her?

Then, as bells pealed, all heads turned to glimpse the bride, this special woman, who had captured the heart of a prince. A billion eyes watched, and a billion eyes were rewarded when a vision of delicate beauty swept into the church, on the arms of her father, carrying with her the highest values and hopes of the British Empire.

Aflutter of lace, a serene smile and a vision of loveliness as she entered the church and there was history in the making. The crowd roared, and all hearts were beating fast, on this very special day. At a slow pace, the party proceeded, as majestic music filled the eaves of the old church.

At least one young man was so nervous and excited that he could hardly breathe, and why shouldn’t he be, on this, his wedding day. Today, flowers are filling every niche, and beneath all this, cascading lace graces the aisle of that venerable church, as the highest ideals and hopes of the nation are carried to the altar by this lovely, young bride.

A warm glance and a pleasant word was exchanged at the altar, and there they were, for all to see, as they took their place in history. It seemed like only moments had passed and the young couple emerged into the sunlight, their lives forever changed.

Then, what magnificent pageantry there was! Forty-six horsemen on proud display led the charge, at the Queen’s command. An equal number of trumpeters followed, and the stage was set. Hearts beat fast as the procession passed, and all were glad to be a part of it. There was hardly a dry eye as the young couple passed by. And all this came to pass, on the wedding day.

A shy kiss stolen on a balcony, and their lives together have begun. A gold band symbolized it all, but hardly fit - oh, dear - on the wedding day. A vision of loveliness and a smile so serene. A day to delight the senses. Signs and posters held above the crowd were of William and Kate - on this, their wedding day.

And now the Abbey is silent once more and the horses are bedded. Another day has passed, on the British Isles. Staid and composed once more, Old London Town has returned to its dreary routine. But one day, when this wedding is almost forgotten, it will revel in joy again, as it did when William and Kate wed. The glory of Britannia will shine again, and the sun will rise on other days just as grand, as this, the wedding day.